Friday, April 11, 2008

Sometime ago I had 2 birds and I gave them away, they got too noisy, well I got two more recently,they are so pretty, I only hope these two will not be as noisy.(lol)


Salt-n-Pepper Diva said...

I'm not a big fan of birds because I saw Alfred Hitchcocks "The Birds" when I was a child. Scarred me for LIFE!

ja stu sisterlock journey said...

Well I didnt see that film, I have birds because they fit nicely with my plants and they are pretty(smile)

N'Drea ~ the Storyteller said...

Awww, are those budgies? Love 'em. Aren't pets the best?

ja stu sisterlock journey said...

they are budgies dem start with them noise again, so I dont know how me and dem going mek it out, dem cute all de same, nice watching dem swing on dem ladder and all a that.Yes agree pets are the best.