Sunday, June 22, 2008


still waters took these photos for me today, I set my hair on saturday,I quite liked how it came out.


Docs Locs said...

Cute, cute, cute. Love the color streaks.

Naturally Sophia said...

The color is fab. I like the size and fullness too.

ja stu sisterlock journey said...

docs locs,
Thank you so much for stopping by and for your compliments.

naturally sophia,
Thanks for the love.

still waters said...

looking good mum!!! lovely pics my complimants to the photographer!!! (:

ja stu sisterlock journey said...

Thanks, my "complimants" too, well done.

Aya said...

Love the headband. Locks are looking great.

ja stu sisterlock journey said...

Thanks aya , u know how it goes have to try all different styles with the locks(lol)